
You must have witnessed those people who have a deep feeling for cleanliness. They are the ones who want everything around them clean. The bed, on which they sleep, the plates in which they eat, their cupboard, clothes and even the floor on which they walk. Well, having love towards cleanliness is not a bad habit in anyway. In fact it is a very good thing which may help you in numerous ways which you are not even aware of.

Finding dust in your home or workstation is not any fun or hard thing. You can find these micro-particles lurking around anywhere and everywhere. You may not believe but these dust particles you avoid cleaning can be reasons of major health problems. Yes I am true!


The most annoying fact is that even though you clean the dust particles, it keeps coming back. Dust particles are mainly composed of dead skin cells, plant pollen and the chemically harmful fiber particles of your clothes, clothes and all those stuffs. These particles can be a major reason for causing asthma and various allergic reactions.


It cannot be denied that we cannot completely get rid of the dust particles, but we can maintain a safe distance from these. Installing an air purifier can be an effective solution in removing dust particles but there is no harm in having some knowledge about the origin of dust particles and how they can be prevented from creating diseases.

Dangerous Consequences of dust Particles

The dust particles may not seen with clear eye and may seem harmless at first sight, but the fact is that these are harmful for the respiratory system and lungs of human body, as they cause asthma and various inter-body allergies. Some harmful consequences of dust particles are –

The basic harm caused by the dust particles are asthma and allergies. The intensity of the allergies depends upon the amount of dust inhaled. If these are inhaled deeply, the harm can be chronic. Another factor is the length of exposure to the dust particles. But the main factor to be noticed is the pathway of inhalation. If the dusty air is inhaled by nose, it will start its effect from the nose to the lungs and if it is done by mouth, then your food pipe along with the respiration pipe is in danger.


Coming to the chronic disease caused by the dust particles, it is called the dusty lung or pneumoconiosis. This is mainly caused in farmers or the workers who work in areas having dry soil. The result of this may be the production of scar tissue inside the body and for more danger; these particles may dissolve in the bloodstream causing toxicity which can spread in the key parts of the body such as kidney and brain.

So how can you reduce the damage that can be caused by the dust particles? Here are five ways in which you can maintain a safe distance from the dusty allergies –

Clean Your Bed and Cupboard once in Three Days


The first step starts from the place where you start and end your day, i.e. your bed. The unfavorable dust mites like to produce families in the bed sheets, pillows and mattresses you use daily. So be aware to keep these things tidy and clean so as not to make a place for these mites to dwell. You can also go for allergen-proof covers for pillows and mattresses which will very well protect the items.

Your cupboard is the best place for dust to settle down. The fiber particles shredded by your clothes and socks can make you sneeze in a blast of dust bomb when you open your closet. So, you need to clean these places once a week. For best results, you can store your clothes in plastic bags or boxes.

Use Fabric Softeners

Electronic items like TVs, computers and refrigerators and wooden and glass items are one of the biggest places where dust accumulates. TVs and computers are positively charge items and these attract the negatively charged dust particles to settle down on them. Using dryer softened sheets and covers can help in reducing the static cling and the magnetic attraction. Liquid fabric softeners can also be a great option if you are not in for the dryer covers. Use the fabric cleaner for cleaning the wooden and glass doors and tables.

Banish Shoes and Clean the Dirt at Door


Studies and researches show that 70% of the dust particles found inside the houses come from outside. Whenever we go out of the house, our feet come in contact with the animal dander, plant pollen etc. which are the main components of dust particles. So these stick to our shoes or our feet and enter our house. So policy number one will be keeping doormats on the front door. Teach your family members to clean their feet before entering the house. Advise your guests the same. And keep the shoes outside your house.

Install Air Purifiers

Air purifiers are an effective method to keep dust particles out of your house. Air purifiers are designed to clean the dust particles out of the room automatically. The sensors present inside the machines automatically sense the presence of dust inside the rooms and clean the air.

Avoid Carpeting


The carpeted floors may seem to be gorgeous and may give your house a premium look, but the fact can’t be denied that these mats are the hotspot of dust particles. You mostly rub your dusted feet on these carpets and the spaces in these carpets accumulate the particles. So, these carpets must be cleaned regularly. If these are small in size, then these should be dusted well outside the house so as to prevent the particles from depositing inside the house.

And if the carpets are bigger in size, then vacuum cleaners with double layered micro-filter bags must be preferred. These double layered bags prevent dust particles from escaping and do not let them deposit on the floors.

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